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This Think Tank looks at ways language teachers can help students take charge of their own learning. In the Main video, Devi Sahny makes a compelling case for giving students a say in what they learn and how they learn it. In the More video, Samantha Lewis presents practical ways language teachers can help students become more autonomous learners. Then, Heather Kretschmer introduces the issue.
In the Think Tank, Curtis Kelly delves into what learner autonomy is. Harumi Kimura relates why some students feel helpless and describes three activities she uses to help them break away from this mindset. Next, Jamie Emerson evaluates a course he took on interoception and self-regulation, connecting the course content to learner autonomy. María del Carmen Arau Ribeiro, Aleksandra Sudhershan, and Alexia Schemien explain how students can support one another on their journey towards autonomy. Finally, Pinar Sekmen reflects on the crucial role curiosity plays in developing learner autonomy.
In the Plus section, we spotlight Think Tank editor, Stephen M. Ryan.