Sharing sleep science with students

Sharing sleep science with students

By: Marc Helgesen

Our students are busy. Sure, they are busy with our classes–and all their other classes. And homework. And part-time jobs. And clubs. And relationships. Oh, yeah, how about some time for studying?

We can, and I think we should, share some of the science behind sleep (and many other aspects of brain science) with them. But, ultimately, they are the ones who decide on their own priorities. They choose what is important in their own lives. They decide what to do.

Students are often surprised when given real information about the need for sleep, especially since so many have been taught for so many years to study – study – study, with little regard for sleep.

I’ve found it useful to use a lesson that asks them to work their way through two infographics to learn some interesting facts about the Science of Sleep, and things they can do to sleep better.

Here are the links:

A tasksheet with the questions is HERE. The answer key is in the same file. I give the students the option of doing the task with a partner so they can help each other.

Infographic #1, Your Brain on Sleep, is HERE

Infographic #2, How to Sleep Better, is HERE.

If you want to use the links on a webpage I made for my students, click HERE.

Marc Helgesen, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, Sendai is the author of over 180 ELT books, textbooks, and articles including Pearson’s English Firsthand series. He’s been an invited speaker at conferences on 5 continents. He teaches “Positive Psychology in ELT” at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies MA TESOL Program.

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