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In his TED Talk, Michael Kuczala, tells us “learning does not happen from the neck up. It happens from the feet up” (If you have trouble with the sound, turn on the captions or open the transcript.) Movement is connected to learning. So is sleep, as Barbara Oakley tells us in the second video. Julia Daley gives us a wonderful overview on how body and learning are connected This is followed by an article on how walking induces creativity, by Brian Birdsell. We know blood flow affects cognitive function and memory, so we asked our veterans about ways to add movement to language classes. It’s not as hard as you might think. Movement advocate Kevin McCaughey wrote the intro for us. Then, Jarrod O’Flaherty takes us on a delightful journey showing how he discovered his kids need physical exercise more than English proficiency, and that the former can help the latter. Paul Wadden reminds us not to overlook sleep as a part of learning, and, for dessert, Maggie Reagh brings us back to our origins with a look at Forest Bathing.
In the Plus section, one of the gurus of movement and language learning, Bill Acton, tells us a story about fighting in Korea.