Think Tank Staff

Curtis Kelly


Curtis is the original genius behind the Think Tanks. Like the Cerebellum, he coordinates everything behind the scenes to put issues together.

Stephen M. Ryan

Wernicke's Area

Stephen is our main copy editor. Like Wernicke's Area, he processes all submissions to make sure they have the correct words and meanings.

Julia Daley

Prefrontal Cortex

Julia is our webmaster. Like the Prefrontal Cortex, she organizes things so readers can find the information they need when they need it.

Marc Helgesen


Marc's the one with a sense of humor who finds the bulk of our intro videos and other interesting tidbits. He and the Hippocampus both look like a seahorse.

Skye Playsted

Temporal-Parietal Cortex

Skye is one of our editors and recruiter of writers. Like the Temporal-Parietal Cortex, she devotes a lot of her time to the social cognition of others.

Heather Kretschmer

Vestibular System

Heather is one of our editors. Like the vestibular system, she helps the Think Tank team maintain equilibrium and keep upcoming issues on track.

Jason Walters, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Nagoya

Jason Walters

Corpus Callosum

Jason brings his journalism background to the editing team. Like the Corpus Callosum, he facilitates communication between voices on opposite sides.

Afon (Mohammad) Khari

Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex

Just like the VMPFC, Afon is devoted to working on integrating emotional processing, decision-making, social cognition, and memory.

Nicky De Proost


Nicky is our designer for the Think Tanks. Like the thalamus, she processes sensory (visual) information and relays it to our readers in an accessible way.

TT 1 Surprise Jan 2025 p. 1

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