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This issue, organized by guest editor Skye Playsted, is sister to the Social Brain Think Tank. So, we start with a delightful lecture on the Social Mind by Louis Cozolino, one of our favorites. We also offer four short, but informative, videos that Pat Kuhl, a leading neuroscientist, made for Edutopia.
Curtis Kelly starts the Think Tank off with the fundamentals of student relationships. Then we look at four related theories in an article that D. S. Bowyer, Jason Walters, Yulia Kharchenko, and Skye Playsted collaborated on. We continue with articles by two heavyweights in the field, Phil Chappell and Tim Murphey. They show us how students can help each other learn through a particular kind of classroom talk, or by an imaginative way to conduct tests. We close the Think Tank that with three pages of activities guaranteed to get your students working together with joy. Finally, Ken Purnell gives us some very good reasons why we should study educational neuroscience, a field that did not exist when most of us were in school.
“A person is a person through other persons” – Desmond Tutu
Pat Kuhl
Learning and the Social Brain (4 videos)